Think differently – and get different results! If we continue to do the same things in the same way, we are likely to get the same results.  Einstein apparently said something along these lines and he was absolutely right.

It’s too easy to stay within our comfort zone and do the same over and over.  There often comes a time when we become frustrated with the status quo but we are so far entrenched in our habits or repetition, of sticking to what we know, we cannot break out of it. This is where we need to think differently.

Think differently – try something new.

Ask yourself what someone else might do, what might your future self do, what might a competitor do?

There are so many possibilities but in the day to day of business and stress, it’s not always easy to identify them,  This is where coaching comes in extremely useful! Getting a view from the outside, and external, non judgmental perspective, can encourage you to think differently, try new ways and start seeing the change you’d like.

Get in touch if you’d like to discuss coaching.

The Entrepreneur Myth and starting a business

Are all small business owners entrepreneurs?

The E-Myth by Michael E Gerber, is not a new book. But it still has great relevance.  The basic message is that starting a business is not so straightforward and success is not automatic just because you’re good at a trade. For example, somebody who loves making cakes, and is told by friends and family “you should go into business”, might find themselves struggling if they set up a cake shop and spend all their time wanting to make cakes.

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Coaching and the saboteur

Saboteur: a person who deliberately destroys or obstructs something.

Know one of these at work? Many of us do or have done.  They’re the ones that react negatively to your ideas and suggestions, they generally have a cynical quip to put you down and enjoy reminding you of your failures and weaknesses. They may not be openly doing this but the effect that have, however they go about it, will be that.

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Choosing a Coach

How to find a coach

Having experienced coaching myself, I know the benefits in working with a coach, be it for personal development, a change of career or success in business or the workplace. I encourage many friends to work with one and so comes the question “who would you recommend?”.  I know many coaches, and always think hard about chemistry and how the relationship could work when looking to recommend one.

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Coaching for a new manager?

Finding a balance with your team

In my work as an executive coach, one of the most frequent subjects of discussion are how to adapt when you are promoted from one of a team to manage the team.

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Develop a positive mindset

I am currently fascinated by the power of a positive mindset.  Having recently completed Dr Chris Johnstone’s Positive psychology course, I have been inspired to bring an element of positive psychology into my coaching work. Read more