Coaching acts as a catalyst, as an accelerator, which bring a focus to what’s important.  It is not easy to be clear about what is needed and coaching gives you the spaces to work out what you and your business / organisation needs.

You are surrounded by opinions and criticism and working with a coach provides a place where you can explore ideas without criticism, without judgement. There is not pressure to perform.  You can challenge any limiting beliefs which hold you back from being your best and your happiest.

Coaching helps you identify what is needed and put a concrete plan in place, with a clear timescale and milestones, so that you increase your chances of success.

Working with a coach is motivating and inspiring, where you can really feel like you’re moving forward, making the changes you want to gain the insight you need.  Through consideration of coaching models and strategies from positive psychology, resilience studies, creativity etc you can increase your chances of finding success.

Coaching can be face to face or via Skype.

disagree well

Disagreeing Well

In my work, I often am asked to facilitate conversations between people who disagree or are finding it hard to get on. This can have a negative impact on the wider team and organisation and reacting quickly, getting the people together helps reduce this.

These days, it has become more difficult than ever to disagree with someone. Many fear causing offence and worry about cancel culture. I read a lot about this subject and here are some of my thoughts on disagreement.

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How you communicate internally…

Your internal comms (inner narrative) impacts your external comms – so taking time to consider and develop new communication styles can be transformative.

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Coaching for self discovery

Who am I? And why does it matter?

Finding out who you are and why this is important for you. (listen to my podcast if you prefer to listen)

Have you ever wondered who you are deep down and what you stand for? If not, you’re not alone.  Taking time to dig a little deep and work through some questions to find out who you are, what makes you tick, what your purpose is, what brings joy (and sadness) can bring so many benefits.

The ability to question yourself, spend time to follow thoughts, identify what is important, can bring self belief, confidence along with making decision making and interacting with others a lot easier. It is a conversation that comes up regularly in coaching, and if you read on, you’ll find some questions to help you start the process.

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Mediation / Facilitating conversations at work

As an experienced coach and facilitator, I am used to listening deeply and making every effort to make people feel heard. I work hard to take a step back from the detail and imaging how things are from other people’s perspective. And these are two things which really help when there are challenging conversations to be had between two people or groups. And these challenging conversations seem to be increasing in frequency….

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coach success training

Unleash Your Coaching Potential with Coach Success

Are you a newly qualified coach ready to embark on a rewarding coaching journey? Congratulations on taking the first step toward making a positive impact on people’s lives! To ensure you set up for success, there’s one essential resource you won’t want to miss: the Coach Success Online Programme.

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