Coaching relationships

Relationships – what to do when things get difficult

This is relevant for all types of relationships, whether in or out of work.  It’s been useful for coaching clients struggling with business partners or colleagues as well as friendships outside of work.

Relationships, especially worthwhile ones take some work. As little kids at school, we’re able to put in the work as we see each other frequently, tend to be more upfront and honest when we don’t like what they’re doing, but also when we do like what they’re doing.  Even if we fall out with them, they will be there at school the next day, so we have to make up and get on with it.

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Coaching and change

Dread difficult conversations? Think about responding differently.

Dealing with difficult conversations

We can’t control others and their behaviour.  We can only control our own behaviour and the way we respond.

Listen to this on Coaching with Catrin Mac podcast.

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build confidence

Confidence : first tame the saboteur

From many, many coaching conversations, I hear people saying they need to feel confident, they lack the confidence needed to do what they want, live a happy life.  Gaining confidence can change everything – and so I thought another blog was in order – and this time looking at it from a slightly different angle.

Listen to this on my podcast.

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Decision making coach

Good at Decision Making?

We apparently make around 35000 decisions a day – many inconsequential and unconscious such as whether or not to have that second cup of coffee and some which have substantially more impact on others and our own lives. Without all these decisions, we wouldn’t get out of bed and if you think you’re bad at making decisions, remind yourself that you’re constantly making them and they mostly turn out fine.  Trusting yourself really helps.

You can listen to this as a podcast here.

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Boundaries and coaching

How do you set boundaries?

Working as a coach, the need to set boundaries comes up a lot. When done well, it acts as a firm, clear foundation for healthy relationships and a good level of work and life balance.

“Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. A person with healthy boundaries can say “no” to others when they want to, but they are also comfortable opening themselves up to intimacy and close relationships.

A person who always keeps others at a distance (whether emotionally, physically, or otherwise) is said to have rigid boundaries. Alternatively, someone who tends to get too involved with others has porous boundaries.”

University of Berkeley Health Services

How are your boundaries?

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